Pledge 3, How it works!
How it works!
You may participate if you live outside our area, if your child or teen is attending the Free Pet Care Seminar and if you are one of the many dog owners who have attended one of our parties over the last 8 years; you too are eligible! DO WORRIES LOCAL's the Dogs will take it over again next year!!! We have plans..... BOL PRINT THE FLYER TO THE LEFT PUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER. LINES 1 - 3, FILL IN WITH A FULL NAME AND AMOUNT OF A FRIEND, FAMILY OR CO-WORKERS PLEDGE OF FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION. LINE 4, YOU MAY CHOOSE TO DONATE YOURSELF AND/OR MATCH YOUR HIGHEST PLEDGE MAIL THE FILLED OUT FORM TO: EMMA ZEN FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 25414 ANAHEIM, CA 92825 |
Once all your pledges have been received that match your form.
Your eligible for different levels of fun begin!
Your eligible for different levels of fun begin!
- Everyone with a completed Pledge 3 form will know the feeling of assisting others, both pets & people!
- Everyone with a completed Pledge 3 forms will be placed on our newest page "Active Participate", this page will host on the very front of our website. Here we will be show casing your abilities and just how easy it is to get involved with an organization and to make a difference in the lives of pets.
- Everyone with a completed Pledge 3 forms will be receiving a special "Thank You" from Emma Zen herself!
- Those that gives themselves or matches a donation will receive everything above plus;
- Those that gives themselves or matches a donation will be put into the running for a gift card! ($50.00 value) As the success of this fundraiser changes so does the amount or number of gift cards available!
- Highest amount earned will receive everything above plus;
- Highest amount earned will earn a Pet First Aid & CPR certification after attending a one on one online course for free! ($85.00 value)
If you have more then 3 friends, then we invite you to fill out another form! Extra points for multiples!!!!
PARTICIPATION VALUED 6/1/2016 - 6/30/2016
If you can not participate but would like to donate now you may do so
You will still receive the top 2 bullets from our first section of achievement.
If you have more then 3 friends, then we invite you to fill out another form! Extra points for multiples!!!!
PARTICIPATION VALUED 6/1/2016 - 6/30/2016
If you can not participate but would like to donate now you may do so
You will still receive the top 2 bullets from our first section of achievement.